A flotation solution that gives you back free time.

A stuck center pivot has a greater impact than downtime. When your irrigation operation is at a standstill, everything from increased energy costs to expensive repairs to reduced yield are likely. The Valley® Track Drive is a flotation solution designed to keep your Model 8000 center pivot moving, no matter the field conditions.

valley track drive flotation and traction solution - irrigation tires

Track Drive Benefits

  • Strength to support center tires on ridges.
  • Designed to help prevent stuck drive units.
  • Weight is distributed over a wider area than other tire options to minimize ground pressure.
  • By lowering ground pressure, soil compaction and rut depth are minimized.

Track Drive Features

  • Improved stability: Wider wheel base improves span stability on rolling ground and in windy conditions
  • Improved span alignment: Set of four braces on each side improves span alignment when crossing deep ridges and balances the load
  • Added strength: Heavy-duty base beam adds strength to support center tires on ridges
  • Low-cost upgrade: Base beam only option gives you a low-cost upgrade option in the future
  • Increased traction: Helps prevent stuck drive units
  • Minimizes ground pressure: Heavy-duty steel tracks distribute weight over a wider area than other tire options
  • Increased flotation: Tracked drive unit with longer wheel base and lower ground pressure minimizes soil compaction and rut depth
  • Conversion packages: Retrofits to existing Valley drive units

Track Drive Specifications

Compatibility Model 8000
Traction (prevents getting stuck) Best Valley solution
Flotation (reduces wheel rut) Best Valley solution
Rough ground capabilities Good Valley solution

Valley Value


Greater traction helps keep your center pivot running smoothly.


Heavy-duty steel tracks ensure longer life.


Lower ground pressure minimizes soil compaction and rut depth.


Better traction and flotation reduce compaction and rut depth.


Valley dealers offer fast, dependable service.  

Your Local Valley Dealer

Only your local Valley dealer can give you the best advice on which irrigation equipment and options are right for you. Find your dealer today!